I'm trying to write a program in Scala, that will accept SOAP-requests, get the response from the real server (or read it from the local disc) and return the data to the original client.
I'm new to the java/scala ecosystem, so I have no clue, what libraries to choose. I heard Scala's XML-handling is quite nice, so I don't know, whether I should use some enterprisey soap-library/framework like jax-ws, jboss-ws, axis, cxf, xmlbeans, etc.
Basically, I just need
- a library, that accepts the requests (currently, I'm looking at jetty, but I'd prefer something that natively supports actors. scala-http seems to cover that, but isn't production-ready or maintained, for that matter)
- some library to request the data from the other server (something like curl, libwww-perl for java/scala)
- a build system (ant? sbt?)
- an IDE (I'm used to eclipse, but IntelliJ's scala support is supposed to be better)
- a tool to test it (currently, I'm using SoapUI)