



How can I view the current revision number of a particular file from Visual Studio or directly from Explorer under SVN Source control? I am using AnkhSVN as the client.

Also, is it possible to know the revision number when the project/solution was last updated from server and changes to some of its files have been made thereafter?

+1  A: 

You should install TortoiseSVN to have the integration of SVN in Explorer (File explorer i assume?).

Oops yes, I have TortoiseSVN installed for the file-system, my mistake!!!
Your second part of the question is not that simple. The first part: The revision number of the current files (take look via TortoiseSVN) that's the revision a file/directory have been changed the last time...The update timepoint can't be calculated by that. What you can do in TortoiseSVN is to use "Check for Modification" and use the "Repository" button...