



I've started integrating doctests into my modules. (Hooray!) These tend to be files which started as scripts, and are now are a few functions with CLI apps in the __name__=='__main__', so I don't want to put the running of the tests there. I tried nosetests --with-doctest, but get lots of failures I don't want to see, because some of these modules require importing things I don't have installed on this system, or should be run within special python installations in where wrappers to an open application are exposed. Is there a way I can run just all of my doctests?

I've considered a hotkey in vim to run "import doctest; doctest.testfile(currentFilename)" to run my doctests in the current module, and another script that runs all the tests - what do other doctest users do? Or should I be using something other than doctest?

+1  A: 

I think nose is the way. You should either exclude the problematic modules explicitly with -e or catch the missing imports in your code with constructs like this:

    import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
    import json


Another option is to provide mock replacements for the missing modules. Let's say your code has something like this:

import myfunkymodule

and you're trying run your tests in a system where myfunkymodule is missing. You could create a mock_modules/ file with mock implementations of the stuff you need from it (perhaps using MiniMock, which I highly recommend if you are using doctest). You could then run nose like this:

$ PYTHONPATH=path_to/mock_modules nosetests --with-doctest
I'm having trouble using -e to exclude even looking for the doctests, in certain modules, which is when the import statements are encountered. How is -e normally used? The regex to exclude the tests apparently can't just be the module name.
True, `-e` won't help in your case. Still, `nosetests` is the way for test discovery in python AFAIK. You should go for the `try/except ImportError` approach, or else provide mock implementations for your missing modules somewhere in your `PYTHONPATH` (see my last edit).
Thanks, I'll look into this. I may end up hacking a script that greps for the `>>>` interactive prompt inside of a docstring, and just runs `doctest.testfile(file)` on those modules instead. But for a more complete testing solution, what you suggest sounds better.