




how to make certification for PC and PPC

(i need that only specific PPC can connect to specific PC)

is it made in C# ?

can i get any help ?

thank's in advance


Do I understand you correctly: You have a PPC application that's talking to an application on the PC (presumably via network?) and you want to make sure that only one pocket pc can actually connect to your application (most probably to prevent users from just installing your application without licensing it). Is that correct?

If so, one way would be to get the device's serial number (code for that in C# can be found by Google) and send it to the PC application. The PC application could check whether the device's serial number is allowed and then send back a result that the PPC application uses to decide whether further communication is allowed or not.

But that's all a wild guess from the little understandable information I got from your question ("(i need that only specific PPC can connect to specific PC)"). Otherwise I'm giving Johann Gerell a +1 for stating that your question is not really understandable.

Thorsten Dittmar