
Java Code Signing Certificates...same as SSL Certificate?

I'm looking around for a Java Code Signing certificate so my Java applets don't throw up such scary security warnings. However all the places I've found offering them charge (in my opinion) way too much, like over $200 per year. While doing research, a code signing certificate seems almost exactly the same as a SSL certificate. The mai...

C# utility to create a CA

I'd like to create a utility in C# to allow someone to easily create a Certificate Authority (CA) in Windows. Any ideas/suggestions? I know I can use OpenSSL to do this. In the end, I'll want this utility to do more than just generate a CA. I'd also like to avoid requiring the installation of OpenSSL in order to run my utility. ...

Custom X509SecurityTokenManager ignored

I have a webservice that that uses message layer security with X.509 certificates in WSE 3.0. The service uses a X509v3 policy to sign various elements in the soapheader. I need to do some custom checks on the certificates so I've tried to implement a custom X509SecurityTokenManager and added a section in web.config. When I call the se...

Why is this X.509 certificate considered invalid?

I have a given certificate installed on my server. That certificate has valid dates, and seems perfectly valid in the Windows certificates MMC snap-in. However, when I try to read the certificate, in order to use it in an HttpRequest, I can't find it. Here is the code used: X509Store store = new X509Store(StoreName.Root, StoreLocat...

Enumerating Certificate Fields in C#

How do you enumerate the fields of a certificate help in a store. Specifically, I am trying to enumerate the fields of personal certificates issued to the logged on user. ...

WCF Routing Message Security

I'm building some routing functionality between services. The original service and the service that does the routing have an identical configuration; both are using netTcpBinding with the following binding configuration: netTcpBinding security mode="Message" message clientCredentialType="UserName" The service behavior us...

How do I sign a Java applet using a certificate in my Mac keychain?

I have a self-signed root certificate with just the code signing extension (no other extensions) in my Mac keychain; I use it to sign all code coming out of ∞labs using Apple's codesign tool and it works great. I was looking to expand myself a little and doing some Java development. I know Apple provides a KeyStore implementation that r...

How do you sign your Firefox extensions?

I have developed a couple of extensions for Firefox, and am annoyed that it is so hard to get the extension signed. When an extension isn't signed, it says "Author not verified" when it is installed, and to me that just looks wrong. I have a simple build script that builds my .xpi file from sources, and I have a licenced copy of PKZip ...

XPI signing linux no gui

I'm trying to sign an XPI on linux (no gui) using the NSS cert db (cert8.db and key3.db) i copied from another server of mine, on which I can sign XPI's just fine. On the new box I can sign with a brand new test certificate ok, but when i try to use the old cert db, it complains with: signtool: PROBLEM signing data (Unknown issuer) C...

Security implications of disabling the Common Name check for HTTPS

I'm going over some client code I've inherited for doing secure communication over HTTPS, and it seems that it's not checking the common name in the server certificate (eg. 'CN = "example.com"' against the actual URL that's being requested. This is probably deliberate, since our client app is required to talk to various environments, so ...

Cheapest Java Code Signing Certificate? (not self-signed)

Does anyone know where I can get an inexpensive Java code signing certificate? Everywhere I look wants $200 to $300 per year! Unfortunately I cannot use a self-signed one, I'm trying to get rid of the scary warnings so that users will be more likely to accept my application. And as far as I know (per this question), it has to be a code s...

How to disable "Security Alert" window in Webbrowser control

I'm using Webbrowser control to login to HTTPS site with "untrusted certificate". but I get popup such standart window "Security Alert" about untrusted certificate: http://s39.radikal.ru/i085/0810/ff/7fdbb47008c9.jpg I have to find this window by title and send it "ALT + Y" to press 'YES': int iHandle = NativeWin32.FindWindow(null, ...

Is it possible to use ServicePointManager with Webbrowser control?

I want to disable "Alert window" that I get from login page of one HTTPS site with "untrusted certificate". ServicePointManager is used for WebRequest/WebResponse: > public static bool > ValidateServerCertificate(object > sender, X509Certificate certificate, > X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors > sslPolicyErrors) { > return true; } ...

IE: Choose a digital certificate from a blank, empty list

I've created a web application that I've hosted with IIS 7 on a Windows Server 2008 machine. I've loaded a security certificate for secure.xxxxx.com. When I browse to the web site with Microsoft Internet Explorer, I get this prompt: Choose a digital certificate Identification The website you want to view requests identificati...

How can I convert a SSL certificate from PEM to DER and keep the private key?

Backstory: I have a PKCS#12 (p12) certificate with a symmetric cipher (password) that I used OpenSSL to convert to a PEM; opening that as text I see it contains both a BEGIN/END CERTIFICATE section as well as BEGIN/END RSA PRIVATE KEY. The .NET Framework X509Certificate class only supports the "ASN.1 DER" format, so I used OpenSSL to co...

Cannot find the X.509 Certificate using the following search criteria:

I get this message: Cannot find the X.509 certificate using the following search criteria: StoreName 'My', StoreLocation 'LocalMachine', FindType 'FindBySubjectDistinguishedName', FindValue 'CN=HighBall'. My web.config setup looks like this; Authentication is set like... <authentication mode="Windows" /> The bindings are set fo...

Tool for Viewing X.509 Certificates?

Does anyone know of any good tools to view the store name, store location, or values of an X.509 Certificate? ...

Where does makecert store the private key if -sv is not specified?

Let say I run this command: makecert testcert.cer Is a private key created? If so, where is it automatically stored in the system even though I did not tell makecert to install this certificate in any certificate store? ...

How can I deploy an iPhone Application from Xcode to real iPhone device

How can I deploy an iPhone Application from Xcode to real iPhone device without having an Apple 99$ Certificate? ...

Who sells the cheapest EV SSL certificate?

I want a SSL certificate for my web site that will not only be accepted without warning by all popular browsers (at least accepted by Firefox and Internet Explorer), but also give my visitors the green address bar. Which certificate authority is selling the least expensive extended validation SSL certificates? ...