I have an object in my code of the type Object:
Object o
The class of the instance is Object: o.getClass()
gives Object.
Now, it should be a Map! How can I upcast this to a Map?
I tried: Map<String, Object> map = (HashMap<String,Object>)o
But this returns: java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to java.util.HashMap
The instance 'o' comes from a XMLRPC request. This request does not qualify variables correctly supposedly
Please have a look at this!?
Now I have the following issue:
gives java.util.ArrayList
gives [Ljava.lang.Object;@739e8329
and o.get(0).getClass().getName()
gives java.lang.String
I cannot findout what to do..
Finally I found out what happened. The software that created this object flattened a datastructure into a String (valueOf()). So, when I printed the variable it returned a [Ljava.util.Object, which was in fact a String containing this information.
Thanks guys!