



Hello guys!

I have the same problem, as in this question. Did anybody find any solutions for this?

So I can't do like this:

flash[:notice] = "Successfully created #{@template.link_to('product', @product)}.

or like this:

@template.title("Page title is here.")

It worked perfectly in Rails 2.3. The main idea is to find out, how to use helper methods directly from conrollers, not from views.



You're doing it wrong.

First, you should setup the title of a page inside the view, not in your controller. You can simply place a call to the title helper within your view file.

About the link, flash shouldn't contain HTML. However, you can create the link manually.

flash[:notice] = %Q{Successfully created <a href="#{product_path(@product)}">product</a>.}
Simone Carletti
I know, that I can do it inside my view. But the question was, that I can't find variable similar to @template in Rails 2.
Igor Alexandrov