Hi all, I am wondering if there is a Python script to import csv hierarchical data file to neo4j.py.
i made the below python script, but i need a better way to check if a node is already created before creating it.
graphdb = neo4j.GraphDatabase(lparam_database_path, classpath=lparam_kernel_class_path, jvm=lparam_jvm_path, heap_size=ls_jvm_heap_size)
with graphdb.transaction:
sectornode = Subreference.Node.SECTOR_ROOT(graphdb, label="Sectors", level=1)
categorynode = graphdb.node(label="Categories", level=2)
productnode = graphdb.node(label="Products", level=3)
brandnode = graphdb.node(label="Brands", level=4)
subbrandnode = graphdb.node(label="Subbrands", level=5)
relationship1 = sectornode.CATEGORY_ROOT(categorynode)
relationship2 = categorynode.PRODUCT_ROOT(productnode)
relationship3 = productnode.BRAND_ROOT(brandnode)
relationship4 = brandnode.SUBBRAND_ROOT(subbrandnode)
li_index = 0
ls_last_sector = ""
ls_last_category = ""
ls_last_product = ""
ls_last_brand = ""
ls_last_subbrand = ""
for data in data_list:
li_index = li_index + 1
print "importing row " + str(li_index) + " of " + str(li_total_rows)
if data[0] != ls_last_sector:
tempsectornode = graphdb.node(label=data[0])
lastsectornode = tempsectornode
if data[1] != ls_last_category or data[0] != ls_last_sector:
tempcategorynode = graphdb.node(label=data[1])
lastcategorynode = tempcategorynode
if data[2] != ls_last_product or data[1] != ls_last_category or data[0] != ls_last_sector:
tempproductnode = graphdb.node(label=data[2])
lastproductnode = tempproductnode
if data[3] != ls_last_brand or data[2] != ls_last_product or data[1] != ls_last_category or data[0] != ls_last_sector:
tempbrandnode = graphdb.node(label=data[3])
lastbrandnode = tempbrandnode
if data[4] != ls_last_subbrand or data[3] != ls_last_brand or data[2] != ls_last_product or data[1] != ls_last_category or data[0] != ls_last_sector:
tempsubbrandnode = graphdb.node(label=data[4])
lastsubbrandnode = tempsubbrandnode
temprelationship1 = tempsectornode.OFTYPE(sectornode)
temprelationship2 = tempcategorynode.OFTYPE(categorynode)
temprelationship3 = tempproductnode.OFTYPE(productnode)
temprelationship4 = tempbrandnode.OFTYPE(brandnode)
temprelationship5 = tempsubbrandnode.OFTYPE(subbrandnode)
temprelationship6 = tempcategorynode.MEMBEROF(tempsectornode)
temprelationship7 = tempproductnode.MEMBEROF(tempcategorynode)
temprelationship8 = tempbrandnode.MEMBEROF(tempproductnode)
temprelationship9 = tempsubbrandnode.MEMBEROF(tempbrandnode)
ls_last_sector = data[0]
ls_last_category = data[1]
ls_last_product = data[2]
ls_last_brand = data[3]
ls_last_subbrand = data[4]