I am finishing creating a file upload utility for our site, and if the upload is an invalid format (per our specs not worth going over here) I would want to delete the folder the zip file was unzipped to, and all it's contents.
So far I have used a method of creating a dynamic batch file like this:
<!--- check if folder exists before starting to delete --->
<cfif directoryexists("#file_path_course#")>
<!--- this can be passed in a varaible or whatever --->
<cfset tDirectory = "#file_path_course#">
<!--- This is what we will put in the bat file --->
<cfset tString ="RMDIR /S /Q " & tDirectory>
<!--- generate a .BAT file for later execution --->
<cffile action="WRITE" file="#file_path_course#\delete.bat" output="#tString#">
<!--- Now execute the file to delete everything (Folder and all sub-folders and files)--->
<cfexecute name="#file_path_course#\delete.bat" timeout="60"></cfexecute>
<!--- check if bat file exists --->
<cfif fileexists("#file_path_course#\delete.bat")>
<!--- now delete the bat file --->
<cffile action="DELETE" file="#file_path_course#\delete.bat">
<!--- delete course folder --->
<cfdirectory action="delete" directory="#file_path_course#" recurse="yes">
<cfset course_files_deleted = "Yes">
But I am admittedly concerned about the allowed usage of the cfexecute tag.
There is another option, which uses the cfdirectory recurse delete option, which will do all I ask, but I want to be very sure it's not going to delete the folders/files outside the folder I point it to.
There is a 3rd way, which involves a cfdirectory and looping around it, but I also like the idea of using less lines of code to do a simple operation.
Which option do you trust the most?
I am running IIS7, Coldfusion 8.
Thank You very much.