



I can't seem to figure out how to accomplish a fairly simple task: I have a simple graphic and I'd like to apply an "orbiting" effect to it - so that the graphic moves in a circle around an arbitrary point (without rotating around its own center).

<s:Ellipse id="circle" width="100" height="100">
    <s:SolidColor color="0x000000" />

I was trying to do something using spark.effects.Animate but couldn't figure out how to configure motion paths - I started thinking about Cartesian vs Polar coordinate systems and appropriate circle equations for each and then realized I was probably over-thinking it. Although I consider this to be a fairly common problem searching the Web yielded no results.

P.S. I'd like to use Flex 4 as much as possible, so I'd appreciate it if the answers reused Flex 4 classes.


You can use trig to find the circumference:

var radius = 50;
for (var i:int = 0, imax:int = 359) : void {
    var radians:Number = i * (Math.PI/180);
    pointX = radius * Math.cos(radians);
    pointY = radius * Math.sin(radians);
    // position something at pointX,pointY

This goes once around a circle and plots a point for each degree. You would probably want to figure out the offsets from x,y for your orbiting and orbited elements so that the former's center would appear to orbit around the latter's.

where would this code go? i'm trying to stick to using Flex 4 and the effects provided by it, as opposed to writing random AS3 workarounds. should i extend one of the classes?
This is not a "random AS3 workaround." It's a way to position an element in a circle. As such, you would call it in the updateDisplayList method of the parent container of both objects. You would also create variables to store the current values, and do your positioning using them instead of a loop. I only did a loop here to give you the idea of what happens, but if you're not comfortable using ActionScript maybe this isn't the solution for you.
oh no, AS3 isn't the problem. i was just hoping for a "cleaner" way to resolve the issue - using one of the classes from spark.effects package. So there's really no way to use spark.effects.Rotate or a customized spark.effects.Animate?