I'm writing a post build event for visual studio project.
I have:
java -jar "$(ProjectDir)..\Tools\closure_compiler.jar"
but it turns out to be after compiled:
which is an invalid directory, it just appends the dots. My problem is that I want to go back up 1 directory. The absolute file path is:
The full event is:
java -jar "$(ProjectDir)..\Tools\closure_compiler.jar" --js "$(ProjectDir)Scripts\*.debug.js" --js_output_file "$(ProjectDir)Scripts\script-bundle.min.js"
The error is:
Error 24 The command "java -jar "D:\Projects\Xormis\trunk\Source\Xormis.Web\..\Tools\closure_compiler.jar" --js "D:\Projects\Xormis\trunk\Source\Xormis.Web\Scripts\*.debug.js" --js_output_file "D:\Projects\Xormis\trunk\Source\Xormis.Web\Scripts\script-bundle.min.js"" exited with code 1. Xormis.Web