A colleague and I wrote this stored proc that documents a database table in wiki markup, for a ScrewTurn wiki system. Originally, I wrote it without a cursor, because until today I never even knew how to use one!
I started with what is essentially a combination of what you see below. I would select one column for each row, where that column was the entire wikimarkup of the row. This worked perfectly, but I wanted to print text before and after the results. I hacked that by using a few unions. I would union the header with the result set and then union all that with the footer. But THEN, I had to insert a row of text between each row, and THAT was the part I could not figure out without using a cursor. In short:
How do I select a bunch of records with a hardcoded row before each result row?
In my case, each row needs to be preceded with a |-
set ansi_nulls on
set quoted_identifier on
alter procedure DocTable
@TableName varchar(256)
set nocount on;
declare @WikiDocData table
Name nvarchar(256),
[Type] nvarchar(256),
Nullable nvarchar(256),
[Default] nvarchar(256),
[Identity] nvarchar(256),
[Description] nvarchar(max)
insert into @WikiDocData
c.name as Name,
tp.name +
' (' +
(case when c.max_length = -1 then 'MAX' else convert(nvarchar(256),c.max_length) end) +
', ' +
convert(nvarchar(256), c.scale) +
', ' +
convert(nvarchar(256), c.[precision]) + ')'
as [Type (L,S,P)],
(case when c.is_nullable = 1 then 'Yes' else '' end) as Nullable,
isnull(d.[definition], '') as [Default],
(case when c.is_identity = 1 then 'Yes' else '' end) as [Identity],
convert(nvarchar(max),isnull(p.value, '')) as [Description]
sys.tables t
inner join sys.columns c on t.object_id = c.object_id
left join sys.extended_properties p on c.object_id = p.major_id and c.column_id = p.minor_id
inner join sys.types tp on c.system_type_id = tp.system_type_id
left join sys.default_constraints d on c.default_object_id = d.object_id and c.column_id = d.parent_column_id
t.[name] = @TableName
and tp.name <> 'sysname'
order by
/* Dear reader, if you know how to do this without a cursor, please let me know! */
-- Output header
print '{| cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="1"'
print '! Name !! Type (L,S,P) !! Nullable !! Default !! Identity !! Description'
-- Output each row and row separator
declare @WikiRow nvarchar(max)
declare @GetWikiRow cursor
set @GetWikiRow = cursor for
'| ' +
Name + ' || ' +
[Type] + ' || ' +
Nullable + ' || ' +
[Default] + ' || ' +
[Identity] + ' || ' +
open @GetWikiRow fetch next from @GetWikiRow into @WikiRow while @@fetch_status = 0
print '|-'
print @WikiRow
fetch next from @GetWikiRow into @WikiRow
close @GetWikiRow
deallocate @GetWikiRow
-- Output footer
print '|}'
This is currently working. It prints out exactly none other than the following when run on aspnet_Membership:
{| cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="1"
! Name !! Type (L,S,P) !! Nullable !! Default !! Identity !! Description
| ApplicationId || uniqueidentifier (16, 0, 0) || || || ||
| UserId || uniqueidentifier (16, 0, 0) || || || ||
| Password || nvarchar (256, 0, 0) || || || ||
| PasswordFormat || int (4, 0, 10) || || ((0)) || ||
| PasswordSalt || nvarchar (256, 0, 0) || || || ||
| MobilePIN || nvarchar (32, 0, 0) || Yes || || ||
| Email || nvarchar (512, 0, 0) || Yes || || ||
| LoweredEmail || nvarchar (512, 0, 0) || Yes || || ||
| PasswordQuestion || nvarchar (512, 0, 0) || Yes || || ||
| PasswordAnswer || nvarchar (256, 0, 0) || Yes || || ||
| IsApproved || bit (1, 0, 1) || || || ||
| IsLockedOut || bit (1, 0, 1) || || || ||
| CreateDate || datetime (8, 3, 23) || || || ||
| LastLoginDate || datetime (8, 3, 23) || || || ||
| LastPasswordChangedDate || datetime (8, 3, 23) || || || ||
| LastLockoutDate || datetime (8, 3, 23) || || || ||
| FailedPasswordAttemptCount || int (4, 0, 10) || || || ||
| FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart || datetime (8, 3, 23) || || || ||
| FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount || int (4, 0, 10) || || || ||
| FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart || datetime (8, 3, 23) || || || ||
| Comment || ntext (3000, 0, 0) || Yes || || ||
New code with LittleBobbyTables' answer (it's shorter but involves a lot of string concatenation, and it fails to print when there are more than 8000 characters in the markup):
set ansi_nulls on
set quoted_identifier on
alter procedure DocTable
@TableName varchar(256)
set nocount on;
-- Output header
print '{| cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="1"'
-- Output each row and row separator
declare @WikiRow nvarchar(max)
set @WikiRow = '! Name !! Type (L,S,P) !! Nullable !! Default !! Identity !! Description'
@WikiRow = @WikiRow +
char(10) + '|- ' + char(10) + '| ' +
c.name + ' || ' +
tp.name +
' (' +
(case when c.max_length = -1 then 'MAX' else convert(nvarchar(256),c.max_length) end) +
', ' +
convert(nvarchar(256), c.scale) +
', ' +
convert(nvarchar(256), c.[precision]) + ')' + ' || ' +
(case when c.is_nullable = 1 then 'Yes' else '' end) + ' || ' +
isnull(d.[definition], '') + ' || ' +
(case when c.is_identity = 1 then 'Yes' else '' end) + ' || ' +
convert(nvarchar(max),isnull(p.value, ''))
sys.tables t
inner join sys.columns c on t.object_id = c.object_id
left join sys.extended_properties p on c.object_id = p.major_id and c.column_id = p.minor_id
inner join sys.types tp on c.system_type_id = tp.system_type_id
left join sys.default_constraints d on c.default_object_id = d.object_id and c.column_id = d.parent_column_id
t.[name] = @TableName
and tp.name <> 'sysname'
order by
print @WikiRow
-- Output footer
print '|}'