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Example of singleton pattern realization in PHP (since 5.3):

 * Singleton pattern implementation
abstract class Singleton {

     * Collection of instances
     * @var array
    private static $_aInstance = array();

     * Private constructor
    private function __construct(){}

     * Get instance of class
    public static function getInstance() {

    // Get name of current class
    $sClassName = get_called_class();

    // Create new instance if necessary
    if( !isset( self::$_aInstance[ $sClassName ] ) )
        self::$_aInstance[ $sClassName ] = new $sClassName();
        $oInstance = self::$_aInstance[ $sClassName ];

        return $oInstance;

     * Private final clone method
    final private function __clone(){}

Example of usage:

class Example extends Singleton {}
$oExample1 = Example::getInstance();
$oExample2 = Example::getInstance();
echo ( is_a( $oExample1, 'Example' ) && $oExample1 === $oExample2)
    ? 'Same' : 'Different', "\n"; 