




I keep getting an Overflow on the bitwise and in this first function. I fixed the other overflows by converting from Long to Currency (still seems weird), but I can't get this And to work.

Any ideas? I'm just trying to convert some IP addresses to CIDRs and calculate some host numbers.

Option Explicit

Public Function ConvertMaskToCIDR(someIP As String, someMask As String)

    Dim ipL As Variant
    ipL = iPToNum(someIP)
    Dim maskL As Variant
    maskL = iPToNum(someMask)
    maskL = CDec(maskL)

    'Convert  Mask to CIDR(1-30)
    Dim oneBit As Variant
    oneBit = 2147483648#
    oneBit = CDec(oneBit)
    Dim CIDR As Integer
    CIDR = 0

    Dim x As Integer

    For x = 31 To 0 Step -1
        If (maskL And oneBit) = oneBit Then
            CIDR = CIDR + 1
            Exit For
        End If
        oneBit = oneBit / 2# 'Shift one bit to the right (>> 1)

    Dim answer As String

    answer = numToIp(ipL And maskL) & " /" & CStr(CIDR)

End Function

Public Function NumHostsInCidr(CIDR As Integer) As Currency

    Dim mask As Currency

    mask = maskFromCidr(CIDR)

    NumHostsInCidr = iPnumOfHosts(mask)

End Function

Private Function maskFromCidr(ByVal CIDR As Integer) As Currency
    'x = 32 - CIDR
    'z = (2^x)-1
    'return z xor
    maskFromCidr = CLng(2 ^ ((32 - CIDR)) - 1) Xor 4294967295# '
End Function

Private Function iPnumOfHosts(ByVal IPmsk As Currency) As Currency 'a mask for the host portion
    ' XOR = 255 so 0 to 255 is 256 hosts
    iPnumOfHosts = IPmsk Xor 4294967295# ' , calculate the number of hosts
End Function

Private Function numToIp(ByVal theIP As Currency) As String 'convert number back to IP
    Dim IPb(3) As Byte '4 octets
    Dim theBit As Integer
    theBit = 31 'work MSb to LSb
    Dim addr As String 'accumulator for address
    Dim x As Integer
    For x = 0 To 3 'four octets
        Dim y As Integer
        For y = 7 To 0 Step -1 '8 bits
            If (theIP And CLng(2 ^ theBit)) = CLng(2 ^ theBit) Then 'if the bit is on
                IPb(x) = IPb(x) + CByte(2 ^ y) 'accumulate
            End If
            theBit = theBit - 1
        addr = addr & CStr(IPb(x)) & "." 'add current octet to string
    numToIp = trimLast(addr, ".")
End Function

Private Function iPToNum(ByVal ip As String) As Currency

    Dim IPpart As Variant
    Dim IPbyte(3) As Byte

    IPpart = Split(ip, ".")
    Dim x As Integer
    For x = 0 To 3
        IPbyte(x) = CByte(IPpart(x))
    Next x

    iPToNum = (IPbyte(0) * (256 ^ 3)) + (IPbyte(1) * (256 ^ 2)) + (IPbyte(2) * 256#) + IPbyte(3)

End Function

Private Function trimLast(str As String, chr As String)
    '*  Remove "chr" (if it exists) from end of "str".
    trimLast = str
    If Right(str, 1) = chr Then trimLast = Left(str, Len(str) - 1)
End Function
+1  A: 

Whoah, it is definitelly interesting functionality. But I would do this in very different way. I would treat IP adress and Mask as array of four bytes. Moreover as far as I remeber (well it was some time ago) CIDR and mask can be converted to each other in very simply way (did you looked at the table?). Why don't you apply bitwise operations to each byte separatelly? BR.

edit: ok I looked closer at the code. The reason why it is overflowing is that you can't use currency and and. I think and is internally defined as Long and can't return any bigger values. It is very common in other languages too. I remember that once I had this problem in other language (Pascal?). You can try to replace and by division. It will be slow but it can't be matter here I suppose. Other solution is, like I wrote, to treat those valueas all the time as byte arrays and perform bitwise operations on each byte.

Good idea re: the byte arrays. I was in a pinch, so ended up just regexing the tables into Select Case functions (cheating, I know). I had no idea "large" numbers were so problematic for VBA.
Adam Brand

This was my "cheating" way:

Option Explicit
Public Function ConvertMaskToCIDR(varMask As Variant) As String

    Dim strCIDR As String
    Dim mask As String

    mask = CStr(varMask)

    Select Case mask

        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/32"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/31"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/30"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/29"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/28"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/27"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/26"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/25"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/24"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/23"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/22"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/21"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/20"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/19"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/18"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/17"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/16"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/15"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/14"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/13"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/12"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/11"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/10"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/9"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/8"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/7"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/6"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/5"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/4"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/3"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/2"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/1"
        Case "":
            strCIDR = "/0"

    End Select

    ConvertMaskToCIDR = strCIDR

End Function
Public Function NumUsableIPs(cidr As String) As Long

    Dim strHosts As String

    If Len(cidr) > 3 Then
        'They probably passed a whole address.

        Dim slashIndex As String

        slashIndex = InStr(cidr, "/")

        If slashIndex = 0 Then
            NumUsableIPs = 1
            Exit Function
        End If

        cidr = Right(cidr, Len(cidr) - slashIndex + 1)

    End If

    Select Case cidr

    Case "/32":
        strHosts = 1
    Case "/31":
        strHosts = 0
    Case "/30":
        strHosts = 2
    Case "/29":
        strHosts = 6
    Case "/28":
        strHosts = 14
    Case "/27":
        strHosts = 30
    Case "/26":
        strHosts = 62
    Case "/25":
        strHosts = 126
    Case "/24":
        strHosts = 254
    Case "/23":
        strHosts = 508
    Case "/22":
        strHosts = 1016
    Case "/21":
        strHosts = 2032
    Case "/20":
        strHosts = 4064
    Case "/19":
        strHosts = 8128
    Case "/18":
        strHosts = 16256
    Case "/17":
        strHosts = 32512
    Case "/16":
        strHosts = 65024
    Case "/15":
        strHosts = 130048
    Case "/14":
        strHosts = 195072
    Case "/13":
        strHosts = 260096
    Case "/12":
        strHosts = 325120
    Case "/11":
        strHosts = 390144
    Case "/10":
        strHosts = 455168
    Case "/9":
        strHosts = 520192
    Case "/8":
        strHosts = 585216
    Case "/7":
        strHosts = 650240
    Case "/6":
        strHosts = 715264
    Case "/5":
        strHosts = 780288
    Case "/4":
        strHosts = 845312
    Case "/3":
        strHosts = 910336
    Case "/2":
        strHosts = 975360
    Case "/1":
        strHosts = 1040384

    End Select

    NumUsableIPs = strHosts

End Function
Adam Brand