I would like to get the current URL and append an additional parameter to the url (for example ?id=1)
I have defined a route:
"GigDayListings", // Route name
"gig/list/{year}/{month}/{day}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Gig", action = "List" } // Parameter defaults
In my view I have a helper that executes the following code:
// Add page index
_helper.ViewContext.RouteData.Values["id"] = 1;
// Return link
var urlHelper = new UrlHelper(_helper.ViewContext);
return urlHelper.RouteUrl( _helper.ViewContext.RouteData.Values);
However this doesnt work.
If my original URL was : gig/list/2008/11/01
I get
I would like the url to be: controller/action/2008/11/01?id=1
What am I doing wrong?