As basicly explained in the title I have a form with a date field. This beeing in Germany and all I would like to validate it against the provided "dateDE" validator. Here is my validator code
rules: {
recherchegrund: "required",
beginn: "dateDE",
ende: "dateDE"
messages: {
recherchegrund: "Bitte einen Recherchegrund angeben",
beginn: "Bitte ein Anfangsdatum angeben",
ende: "Bitte ein Enddatum angeben"
errorLabelContainer: "#error",
wrapper: "li",
highlight: function(element, errorClass) {
$(element).css('background-color', 'salmon');
unhighlight:function(element, errorClass) {
$(element).css('background-color', 'white');
Now using this code I get the following error in jquery.validator.js:
$.validator.methods[method] is undefined Line 492
Using just
beginn: "dateDE",
ende: "dateDE"
works just fine and the error pop up in a nice list where they should.
This is driving me insane. Has anybody seen this before?
I just tried the exact same code with "dateISO"
and it works. I am starting to think this is a bug with the jQuery validation plug-in. But still strange that I am the only one that has this problem.