



We've collected a list of google reader profiles of our members and now I want to make a hot list board and show the most shared and the most liked items to be shared with our members.

I've checked a couple of unofficial google reader APIs but I did not find anything related to the like or sharing.

do you know how can I count the number of likes for each feed item in the shared profile of our members?

+1  A: 

Likes are exposed in the Atom feed for the shared items as gr:likingUser elements (one per user who liked the item, up to 100). Additional likers (and their profile information) can be fetched by making a GET request to has more information.

Mihai Parparita
thanks that was great help. I just prepared a simple prototype now. Another feature asked is ranking members based on their followers. I couldn't find how to count just google reader followers. any clue?
Allen Bargi