



We use VisualSVN Server as our Version Control server. We integrated TortoiseSVN into Visual C++ 2008 using VisualSVN.

Now, I want to see if a file is locked by another user. When I press the "Refresh Status" button, nothing changes. What am I doing wrong?

I also uninstalled VisualSVN, and installed AnkhSVN instead. The same problem exists here. When I press the "Refresh Status" button (Right click -> Subversion -> Refresh Status), I cannot see any of the changes (none of the icons on the left side of filenames change, no "locked", no "modified", ...). But when I press the "Refresh Pending Changes" button in the "Recent Changes" tab of "Pending Changes" window, its list reflects the changes. But I want to see the changes as icons near filenames!

Any ideas?