




Back in the late 1990s, when I was at grad school VRML was going to take over the world. My peers and I built all manner of useful and interesting things with it by hooking it up to Java and Javascript code.

Of course back then computers were many times slower than they are now - multicore CPUs were largely the stuff of science fiction or hush-hush research projects and our VRML applications ran just that little bit too slowly to catch on in the real world.

A decade on, even a cheap PC with a bog-standard GPU would happily run any of our VRML models with ease and possibly might require throttling to ensure they weren't so fast as to be unusable. But the VRML community has died a bit of a death, web-3d hasn't caught on and I can't even find a browser plug-in. X3d was mentioned a while back but that too hasn't caught on.

Does anybody have any ideas what happened? Is there some other 3D web technology I'm not aware of?


I think the idea was that people would enjoy using 3d interface to navigate information.

This proved incorrect. People use 3D interfaces pretty much exclusively for gaming (or for specialized purposes, such as architecture, engineering or medicine).

During the 90s there was a mini-explosion of technology based around this idea. I remember that Apple designed a 3D browsing system (the name escapes me) that never went off the ground.

In the end, it's far easier for humans to scan 2D representations for information and navigate that way.

Jordan Reiter
Yes, even back then the idea of a navigable 3d online store or similar seemed a bit pointless due to the sheer amount of additional work required to see products (open the door, move inside, go through a door to the department you want to shop in ...).But web 3d was suited to many other things besides making online shopping even more tedious than it is - I remember a colleague's project which took the form of a 3d simulation of a stadium evacuation complete with emergent behaviour, 3d visualisations of networks, complex data and relations, interactive 3d manuals etc.
And of course web-based 3D games would be pretty cool too - web-based Quake or Modern Warfare anyone ...? ;-)
3D navigation was the most hyped idea (and least likely, in my opinion); another was to simply create a standard 3D file format to replace the myriad proprietary 3D file formats.


As the OP I don't know the answer myself, but I disagree with the suggestion that VRML failed because web designers mostly used Macs in the 90s.For one thing, VRML wasn't really a designer-led technology. It may be a contentious opinion, but as a programming language, it was perhaps a little too complex for the majority of 90s web designers to enjoy using. There was a thriving VRML/Web3d community back then but I suspect it was mostly made up of code-geeks not cake icers ;-)
I think you may have missed the point. VRML never reached the "tipping point" to make it last. EHR was arguing that the reason it never reached that "tipping point" was because it never caught on with the RIGHT community. I don't think anyone disputes that code-geeks are early adopters. But they're not necessarily the most important part of the innovation curve. A helpful book for you to read would be "Diffusion of Innovation" by Rodgers. It is a classic recommended to me by many people.
I understand the point you're trying to make, I just don't agree with it :-) I'm more inclined to think that the reasons for the unexpected demise of web3d was more related to hardware deficiencies at the time than its non-adoption by trendy kids with macs.Call me an old commie if you will, but surely the most important part of the innovation curve is the capital?
+1  A: 

There have been various inroads with these technologies with each one pretty much failing. In the past, this is probably due to the internet being used as a resource for fast information and peoples frustration in waiting for such information. These technologies have bubbled away under the surface, many of which have been game related and usually delivered as plugins such as virtools, shockwave, unity, etc, but many of which have had one major failing, their reliance/lack of hardware acceleration. This is especially an issue since the stablility and speed of the browsing is of paramount concern for most users so the problemas arise when needing to include all sort of hardware configuration files with a given plugin (The size starts to become huge), and of course 3d data is usually larger than it's 2d equivalent.

There are still ongoing attempts to provide 3D systems for interface design etc, webgl on webkit is ongoing development, but for hardware based engines, the issue is, does the user have the hardware? If not, then the developer has more work to port to other systems or quite frankly, the content is not accessible.

Gary Paluk