i have a column with dates, but it is a varchar:
8/31/2010 9:48
8/31/2010 9:49
8/31/2010 9:51
8/31/2010 9:52
8/31/2010 9:55
8/31/2010 9:59
8/31/2010 10:11
8/31/2010 10:13
8/31/2010 10:16
8/31/2010 10:37
8/31/2010 10:42
i made sure that none of these will be a BAD date:
FROM qcvalues.dbo.batchinfo
WHERE ISDATE(reporttime) <> 1
this returned 0 results
question: i need to return dates between a certain range:
select rowid from qcvalues.dbo.batchinfo where CONVERT(DATE, Substring( reporttime, 1, LEN(reporttime)), 103)
between cast('2010-08-01' as datetime) and CAST('2010-08-31' as datetime)
and i am getting this error;
Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
what is wrong with my conversion?