




I am currently trying to use the android library android fu to help me with my first proper app.

I am trying to makea test project using the droid fu library but when ever i go to test the app it force closes.

I have used an example of the asynctask and when i test the app it loads and does what its meant to but when i replace it with the betterasynctask the app force closes.

You can download the source of the test app from

Hopefully someone can help me with this.

Cheers Adam


This is caused by you not providing a valid resource pointer for your dialog. Right after you instantiate the task -- try calling the task.disableDialog(); method. It should work after that.

EDIT: Seeing as the user wants a custom dialog -- I'd point you to this link. Just create a new custom dialog(or just use the Android's helper methods for creating a dialog) and reference that ID from your code.

thanks that worked for that example but what would i do if i wanted the progressDialog while its doing an action like downloading an xml file in the background?

Even though hwrdprkns was correct as to disabling the dialog will make the app work to be able to get the progress dialog to work i add to the following to get the dialog to work.

Call both lines to set the dialog content

super.setProgressDialogTitleId(R.string.dialog_title); super.setProgressDialogMsgId(R.string.dialog_message);


define "droidfu_progress_dialog_title" and "droidfu_progress_dialog_message" in your strings.xml
