I have a form in Excel with a combo box control. I want the values to be filled from a database table when the combo box is opened using what has already been typed in as a LIKE criteria. This is the code I have so far for the DropButtonClick event to achieve this.
Private Sub cboVariety_DropButtonClick()
Static search_text As String
Static is_open As Boolean
Dim rs As New Recordset
If is_open Then
is_open = False
Exit Sub
End If
is_open = True
If search_text = cboVariety Then Exit Sub
search_text = cboVariety
cboVariety.AddItem search_text
If Len(search_text) > 2 Then
rs.Open _
"SELECT Name FROM tbl_Varieties " & _
"WHERE Name LIKE '%" & search_text & "%' " & _
"ORDER BY Name", connect_string, adOpenStatic
Do Until rs.EOF
If rs!Name <> search_text Then cboVariety.AddItem rs!Name
End If
End Sub
The problem is that the DropButtonClick event fires both when the combo box is opened and when it is closed. If this sub executes when the combo box is closing, the code that clears the combo box causes the user's selection to be erased.
I'm trying to tell when the box is closed using the is_open variable, which alternates between true and false each time the event sub is executed. This seems like a brittle solution to the problem. Is there a better way?