Suppose you have a software package. You want to make it a gem, because gems are the de facto standard way to distribute anything in the Ruby world. Gems are great -- for libraries. But for real applications, the Rubygems system seems lacking. Only "recently" did they introduce a way to mark executables to be placed in somewhere in the system wide executable PATH. Unfortunately, Ruby gems still seems to be wanting in other aspects of software packaging, namely putting configuration files in places like /etc, or documentation under /usr/share/doc. Or is it? My question is:
Can I put instructions or code in a gemspec to have configuration installed into /etc, and documentation under some sensible, standardized place (like /usr/share/doc)? Or perhaps, as a workaround, can a post-install script be run to do these things?
For reference: the GemSpec specification.
Note that is down at the time of this writing. Here's the Google cache of that page:
If you examine the specification.rb file in the repo, and scroll down towards the end (search for ":section: Required gemspec attributes"), you can see what appear to be the currently supported attributes. I see nothing in there that looks like what I want.