



I know of Rational Rose and we have got Rational Rose 6.

But I am looking for some other tools which are more usable, which do not complain that they are not running in Windows 98/2000 (when installed and run in WinXP) and has got better features as compared to Rational Rose 6.

+1  A: 

Check out Enterprise Architect. It's not expensive and does a lot of things well.

Jim Blizard

I did check out Enterprise Architect on SpareX's web site but could not find any reference stating that it handles reverse engineering or code generation for VB6.

Yogi Yang 007
+1  A: 

This lists Visual Basic (as distinct from VB.Net) as supported.

Jim Blizard
It does list VB but there is no reference that it can handle reverse engineering from VB Project.Any way I will download it and test for more first hand experience with it.Thanks for your help.
Yogi Yang 007

Enterprise Architect does reverse engineering and code generation for VB6

Raul Carlomagno