Hello i'm using widgets_on_pages to place widgets on pages, i installed it and added a widget to the panel in my admin section, then i added [widgets_on_pages id=2]
("its the 2nd sidebar and it said i should add this") into my html on the place where the widget should appear but it only shows the code i added in pure text, nothing else happens, anyone know what i'm doing wrong?
2works perfect, tyvm
2010-09-09 12:45:00
If I understand correctly then the following applies... if not, apologies.
You should not need to do it this way. It seems that Vincent, you are trying to add the shortcode into a theme php file... this is incorrect and the shortcode is for adding into the page/post content by the post/page editor.
To add a Widgets on Pages sidebar to a template then v 0.0.7 (I believe) has built in template tags (see link text). This should allow you to add the following I think
<?php widgets_on_template("2"); ?>
Todd Halfpenny
2010-09-10 08:39:36
I'm gonna have to accept this answer instead cause it seems like the correct one. Ty very much for your help
2010-09-10 20:36:34