I'm trying to accomplish ad-hoc queries using joined tables, using an Restrictions.or and Restrictions.ilike
My entities look like:
public class CaseReview {
@Column(name = "REVIEW_ID", unique = true, nullable = false, length = 19)
private Long reviewId;
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
@JoinColumn(name = "CASE_ID", nullable = false)
private Case reviewCase;
@Table(name = "CASE")
public class Case {
@Column(name = "ID", unique = true, nullable = false, length = 19)
private Long id;
@OneToOne( fetch=FetchType.EAGER )
@JoinColumn( name="STUDENT_ID" , referencedColumnName="ID",
private StudentInformation studentInformation;
@Table( name="STUDENT")
public class StudentInformation {
@Column( name="ID")
private Long id;
@Column( name="LAST_NAME")
private String lastName;
@Column( name="FIRST_NAME")
private String firstName;
My code does something like the following:
Criteria c = session.createCriteria( CaseReview.class );
c.createAlias( "reviewCase" , "reviewCase");
c.createAlias( "reviewCase.studentInformation" , "reviewCasestudentInformation");
c.add( Restrictions.or( Restrictions.ilike("reviewCasestudentInformation.lastName" , "%e%" ), Restrictions.ilike( "reviewCasestudentInformation.firstName" , "%e" )));
I'm getting org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property: reviewCasestudentInformation of: CaseReview. I've also tried creating multi-tier aliases:
c.createAlias( "reviewCase.studentInformation" , "reviewCaseStudentInformation");
and using that in the restriction.or with the same results. Strangely enough either set of aliases work fine for
Order.asc( "reviewCaseStudentInformation.lastName")
Pretty much at a loss. Suggestions?