Hello, go easy on me, it's my first question :)
I've been working with linqToSql for about a month, and there is just this one thing that is bothering me...
Lets say I have an Entity Object called "Customer" and another called "CustomerType", Customer as a reference to CustomerType.
When inserting the Customer I need to set the CustumerType, I have the customerTypeID value that I want to set, so what I am doing is this:
if(c.CustomerTypeReference == null)
c.CustomerTypeReference = new System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EntityReference<CustomerType>
c.CustomerTypeReference.EntityKey = new System.Data.EntityKey("DataContext.CustomerType", "id", value);
This works but it seems to me over complicated. Is there any other way to do this?
Please take in mind that I do not want to get the object CustomerType from the database, this example is simple but I do work with objects that contain about 100 properties.