




Just wondering if anybody had the same problem with

I appluad the decision to consolidated everything on, but when the default was rubyforge - I never had any problems. Now it seems I have a problem updating gems everytime I do a new installation. I mean I can work around it, but downloading gems through the browser and then installing them manually - but that is very annoying.

The message I keep getting bad response Bad Gateway 502 (name of some gem goes here).

It never breaks on the same gem, and I have mostly problems installing Rails stack - such as mail, railties, actionmailer, etc.

Other gems like nokogori or haml - install without any problem.

If I run bundle - it also breaks with the same message or a variation thereof.

I tried obvious things - like removing from sources - pointing to rubyforge or rubyonrails, but keep getting the same problem. I tried it on 3 different machines - my Debian dev box, my windows machine and my macbook, all running different subversions of Ruby 1.8.7.

Does anyone have any solution or suggestion please??? Pretty please?

P.S.: By the way "wget" on certain gems from - doesn't work - I'm getting the same error - downloading through the browser seems to be the only option. Which leads me to believe it has nothing to do with my ruby setup, but is actually a problem on .

Jörg W Mittag
Jorg - I see where you are coming from, but as i said - when I download the same gems manually through browser - it works just fine, but wget, and gem install don't work CONSISTENTLY. I really doubt that my wget or gem request is CONSISTENTLY routed through a bad gateway and my browser request - has a VIP privileges :-) Also - I control our firewall - and I nothing nothing is blocking anything there. I mean nothing else has that problem - cpan, apt-get or even port on my macbook.
Nick Gorbikoff