



Does anyone know if there's a version of JAI that is compatible with RH 5.2?

We tried to have some new code deployed to our prod server last night, but the deployment team ran into a snag. The new code uses the Java Image I/O Tools library (javax.imageio.ImageIO). This is the first time we've used any JAI functionality, so the deployment team needed to install the JAI and ImageIO libraries. It appears that the earliest version of ImageIO is 1_0_01 and that version won't install on RH 5.2:

I finally found a way to read a TIFF image without using ImageIO, just using JAI calls (

But so far, I have not been successful in finding a version of JAI that claims to be compatible with RH 5.2:

However, if you look at that page, you'll see that it says Java 1.3 is not supported pre-RH6.1!! We're using Java 1.6 on our RH5.2 platform!

I thought perhaps that they might be able to install the library on the older Red Hat version, but according to the deployment team:

I was trying to install the JAI Advanced Imaging Image I/O Tools on the system and it is not accepting the underlying JAVA ("1.6.0_14") even though it is meeting the minimum specs.

I did some research on Google; how to crack the installation and looks like our current O/S RH5.2 is not supported. The minimum version for the install is RH 6.2

Any help is appreciated!

Thanks, Jeremy