I am having some issues when running sp_executesql on a database table. I am using an ORM (NHibernate) that generates a SQL query that queries one table in this case. This table has about 7 million records in it and is highly indexed.
When I run the query that the ORM spits out without the sp_executesql, it runs very quickly and profiler shows it has 85 reads. When I run the same query using sp_executesql, it has around 201,828 reads.
Is there something I need to do on my SQL Server to improve the performance of running the query without sp_exectuesql? It seems as though its not using my Indexes.
What is the best way to fix this issue? If possible, I would rather not change the way the ORM is generating the SQL but instead fix the problem at the SQL Server/database level because it seems that is where the problem is. I'm guessing I need to do more optimization on the database to fix this problem I just don't know what.
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT top 20
this_.Id as Id0_0_,
this_.Application as Applicat2_0_0_,
this_.[Context] as column3_0_0_,
this_.Logger as Logger0_0_,
this_.Message as Message0_0_,
this_.Exception as Exception0_0_,
this_.Thread as Thread0_0_,
this_.[Level] as column8_0_0_,
this_.LogDate as LogDate0_0_,
this_.SessionId as SessionId0_0_
FROM LogMessages this_
WHERE this_.[Context] = @p0',
N'@p0 nvarchar(2)',
@p0 = N'55'
Context is a varchar(255). This field is very free form. It isn't always an integer and the length may very. In this case, I am querying for a value of '55' but it could just as easily be querying for 'Foooooobaaaarrr'