Hello! I need some help with this problem. I have to sum alle the integers in a 2d array using recursion. Below is what I have managed to do on my own, but I'm stuck. This code generates the sum 14, which should be 18. Any suggestions? Is the base case wrong? Or is the recursive method wrong?
public class tablerecursion {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int [][] tabell = new int[][] { {1,2,3},
{1,2,3} };
int sum = rec(tabell,2,2);
static int rec(int [][] table, int n,int m) {
if (m == 0) return table [n][0];
if (n == 0) return table [0][m];
System.out.println("n:"+n+ " m:"+m);
return rec(table, n-1, m) + rec(table, n, m-1);