




I have a div, and content of this div is updating on every ajax request. The problem is when I'm using IE , I'm losing all input values.

For example:

1) I have no content in the div.

2) I'm getting the content using ajax request.

3) I have a <input type="hidden" name="hotels_id" value="2"> after that request.

4) I'm posting this input name and value, again using ajax request.

5) in IE: There is no hotels_id -- in FF and Chrome: That Works!

By the way, I'm using "JsHttpRequest" Library for ajax.

Thanks for your answers.

Some lines from my script.


  if ( (tep_not_null($preview)) && ($errors == '') ) {
    switch ($preview) {
      case 'availablity':
      case 'types':
          $rt_id = tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_POST_VARS['id']);

         if ( isset($rt_id) && tep_not_null($rt_id) && is_numeric($rt_id) ) {   //0 disindaki rakamlar

            $hotel_to_rooms_query = tep_db_query("select hotel_id, rt_id, status from " . TABLE_ROOMS_TYPES . " where hotel_id = '" . (int)$check_hotel_id['hotels_id'] . "' and rt_id = '" . $rt_id . "' and status = '1'");
            $hotel_to_rooms = tep_db_num_rows($hotel_to_rooms_query);

            if ($hotel_to_rooms == 1) {
              if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['preview'] == 'availablity') {
                //require(DIR_WS_HOTEL . 'demo2.php');
              } else if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['preview'] == 'types') {
                require(DIR_WS_HOTEL . 'room_type.php');
            } else {
              $errors .= "Please check your room type!";

         } else {
           $errors .= "Please check your room type 2!";


function rooms_info(room_id, action) {

    document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = '<li>    loading     </li>';

    // Create new JsHttpRequest object.
    var reqRoomsInfo = new JsHttpRequest();
    // Code automatically called on load finishing.
    reqRoomsInfo.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if (reqRoomsInfo.readyState == 4) {
                document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = reqRoomsInfo.responseText;
    // Prepare request object (automatically choose GET or POST)., 'get_content.php', true);
    // Send data to backend.
  if ( action == 'availablity' ) {
    reqRoomsInfo.send( { id: room_id , load: 'availablity' } );
  } else if ( action == 'types' ) { 
    reqRoomsInfo.send( { id: room_id , load: 'types' } );