I know with python and a couple other languages there is a way to safely make install a newer generational version of a language onto a machine, but after digging through PHP5's configure & makefile the only thing I've seen is the prefix dir option and the ini scan path.
Ideally I'd like php5 to have its own lib/bin subdirectories in /usr/local and then I can just put php5 after php4 in the path or make a symbolic link from the php5 binaries to php5-cli, php5-cgi, etc.
Also, am I missing anything dramatically bad here, the server in question is a legacy application server that's still somewhat busy and is due to be deprecated by June of 2009 but in the meantime the plan is to start updating parts with php5 code.
Machine states: CENTOS 5 PHP 4 was built from a source RPM outside of yum's control
Most of php4 is in ambiguous directories: /usr/{include,lib}/php