



I'm looking to integrate a new app (to be built, probably in Grails) with Twitter and found there are (at least) 3 libraries to use. JTwitter, Twitter4J and a Grails plugin.

Any opinions on the pros and cons of each are appreciated.

I'll mark this as a community wiki as there's no single answer expected.

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The grails plugin uses JTwitter. To me Twitter4j looks better, because:

  • it looks more serious - they provide the git repository, javadoc, support matrix. JTwitter don't.
  • At the bottom of the JTwitter page it says that you must include a backlink if you use it.
+3  A: 

As the main developer of JTwitter I'm somewhat biased, but here's my 2 cents:

  • There's not much in it either way.
  • Twitter4j does have a nicer looking website (but their code examples use basic auth and are out of date).
  • Twitter4J currently covers a bit more of the Twitter API, namely streaming.
  • JTwitter is cleaner and simpler - it uses a lot less classes to do the same thing.
  • JTwitter has better exception handling and some robustness features for when Twitter is flaky.
Daniel Winterstein