I just stumbled upon pgpool-II in my search for clustering my Postgres DB (just getting ready to deploy a web app in a couple months). I still have the shakes from excitement, but I'm nervous, as each time I find something this excellent I am soon let down. Have you any experience with pgpool-II, and will it help me run my database in multiple VMs, and later in multiple physical servers altogether? Is it all I need for backing up, load balancing, and providing a higher availability for my DB server!?
Also, is it easy to use the parallel query function (for instance, in Django or through Pythons psycopg2)? This would be most excellent for providing reporting and aggregation!
One last thing: It seems to work between Postgres and psycopg2. Is this a correct understanding of it, so I can use psycopg2 the same as normal, without regard for pgpool-II?