After I Commit Entire Project, in the left pane, under the SCM twisty, I still see the listing for English, which is described as MainMenu.nib (English) in the top right pane.
The file is already added to the repository, because I can select SCM | Repositories from the menu bar and then browse all the way to <REPOSITORY>:<PROJECT HOME>/English.lproj/MainMenu.nib which contains classes.nib, info.nib, keyedobjects.nib.
Hmm, actually, when I Reveal in Finder the working copy of MainMenu.nib (English), and then in Finder, Show Package Contents, I see it only contains two files: designable.nib, and keyedobjects.nib.
That doesn't seem good. Any idea what is going on?
I am using Xcode 3.2.3 on OS X 10.6.4.