



I'm trying to get the Layout of a JDialog of mine to fit a particular look that a program in which I'm porting to Java has, I've used several LayoutManagers before with great success yet for some reason I cannot seem to get this working at all. My goal is to have the Right (East) side of the JDialog contain a "Find Next" and "Cancel" button in a top-down order and then any extra space below so that the two buttons are always at the top of the JDialog, yet for some reason BoxLayout is continously ignoring any attempts at changing (this is where I'm lost) the width of a JButton. Code follows.

JButton findNext = new JButton("Find Next");
JButton cancel = new JButton("Cancel");
cancel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension((int)findNext.getPreferredSize().getWidth(),  

JPanel example = new JPanel();  
example.setLayout(new BoxLayout(example, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));  

No matter what I try, cancel always retains it's normal size. I've tried setMinimumSize() and setMaximumSize() with the same parameters as setPreferredSize with no luck. I've even tried cancel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500, 500)); and the buttons height was the only thing adjusted, it STILL retained the default width it was given.

To clear up any questoins, here is a link to what it looks like (now that I've finished it) and you'll see that the "Find Next" and "Cancel" buttons are not the same size.

+1  A: 

You may not want Box.createGlue(), which "grows as necessary to absorb any extra space in its container." Instead, use Box.createVerticalStrut() between the buttons, as shown below and in the ControlPanel of this simulation.

example.setLayout(new BoxLayout(example, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));


adding in setMaximumSize() made it work.

This is the expected behavior for components having identical maximum widths in a vertical BoxLayout, as described in Box Layout Features. The preferred width of the container becomes that of the (equally wide) children, and the X alignment becomes irrelevant.

example.setLayout(new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
JButton findNext = new JButton("Find Next");
JButton cancel = new JButton("Cancel");
Dimension d = findNext.getMaximumSize();
cancel.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(d));
I appreciate the response trashgod but I think you may have misunderstood the question. The only issue I'm having is that BoxLayout (at least I'm assuming this is what's doing it) is not allowing or displaying any changes to the width of the JButton cancel which I would like to make the same size as the JButton findNext. The Box.createGlue(); is there for the purpose it was intended for, to take up all the space below the two buttons which would keep the buttons at the top of the JDialog.
@izuriel: Quite right, I misread; sorry. I've added my understanding of why `setMaximumSize()` works.
@trashgod Again, thanks for the response, your description along with Tim's has helped me understand the issue that I was having and I appreciate it all.
+2  A: 

As mentioned in the comments on the question, you were able to fix it by switching to setMaximumSize(). However, as you noted, setPreferredSize() doesn't work. So, what's up with that?

With many things Swing, the properties used to determine the actual component size when using the BoxLayout are somewhat random (in my opinion). When determining how to render the components, Swing calls layoutComponent() on the layout manager, which is figures out where to position everything.

BoxLayout's implementation of layoutComponent() involves a call to a method that creates SizeRequirements objects for the width and height of each of the components you add to the JPanel, based on their getMinimum/Preferred/MaximumSize() methods.

Later, it calls SizeRequirements.calculateAlignedPositions() for determining the correct width values for each component, because your orientation is BoxLayout.Y_AXIS (The heights are calculated using a different method). Taking snippets from the source, the relevant implementation of this method is as follows:

for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
    SizeRequirements req = children[i];
    int maxAscent = (int)(req.maximum * alignment);
    int maxDescent = req.maximum - maxAscent;
    int descent = Math.min(totalDescent, maxDescent);
    spans[i] = (int)Math.min((long) ascent + (long)descent, Integer.MAX_VALUE);

Note that totalDescent is the available width, so descent is always set to maxDescent, which is based on SizeRequirements.maximum, which was taken from JButton.getMaximumSize(). The value of spans[i] is then used later in a call to JButton.setBounds() as the width. As you'll note, getPreferredSize() was never involved here, which is why setting it has no impact in this case.

Tim Stone
@Tim Thank you so much for the assistance and the explanation, I will admit it's a bit above me as of understanding it completely right now but I get the basic concept of why it works this way and I appreciate the extra help.

Usually if want to ensure a size of the component in Swing you need to call setMinimumSize(), setMaximumSize(), and SetPrefferedSize() with the same value.

@tulskiy Yes, normally I do this but it seems that I made the (at least in my case) all-to-common copy paste error when I copied the setPreferredSize(), I pasted it twice, changed one to setMinimumSize and left the other accidentally, thinking I had changed it. A simple error that I overlooked. Thanks for the assistance.