



If I search for LENA, I only want to get results where LENA is one word and not part of a word like Lenason or Anna-Lena or Malena

How do I write such a query, not

"select * from users where name like '%LENA%'"

What should it be instead?

+1  A: 

You could use REGEXP:

SELECT fields 
  FROM users
 WHERE name REGEXP '(^|\s+)LENA($|\s+)'
+1  A: 

You might be better off looking into Full Text Search for this.

Otherwise I think you're stuck doing something like this

"select * from users WHERE CONCAT(' ',name, ' ') like '% LENA %'"

Which will be pretty inefficient as it requires a full table scan.

Martin Smith
**Full Text Search** would do the trick, but your "something like" query will give identical results as the original (but with more cpu overhead).
Bob Fanger
@Bob - You were right that there was an issue with my query but not the one you were thinking of I think. I forgot that you needed to use `CONCAT` for string concatenation in MySQL rather than `+`. The reason for concatenating spaces is that names where `lena` is the first, last or only word wouldn't match the where clause `name like '% LENA %'` without this.
Martin Smith
Looked up '%' in the MySQL manual and it also matches `zero characters`. This was the flaw in my logic.
Bob Fanger