I have a set of keywords that are passed through via JSON from a DB (encoded UTF-8), some of which may have special characters like é, è, ç, etc. This is used as part of an auto-completer. Example:
array('Coffee', 'Cappuccino', 'Café');
I should add that the array as it comes from the DB would be:
array('Coffee', 'Cappuccino', 'Café');
But JSON encodes as:
["coffee", "cappuccino", null];
If I print these via print_r(), they show up fine on a UTF-8 encoded webpage, but café comes through as "café" if text/plain is used if I want to look at the array using print_r($array);exit();.
If I encode using utf8_encode() before encoding to JSON, it comes through fine, but what gets printed on the webpage is "café" and not "café".
Also strange, but json_last_error() is being seen as an undefined function, but json_decode() and json_encode() work fine.
Any ideas on how to get UTF-8 encoded data from the database to behave the same throughout the entire process?
EIDT: Here is the PHP function that grabs the keywords and makes them into a single array:
private function get_keywords()
global $db, $json;
$output = array();
$db->query("SELECT keywords FROM listings");
while ($r = $db->get_array())
$split = explode(",", $r['keywords']);
foreach ($split as $s)
$s = trim($s);
if ($s != "" && !in_array($s, $output)) $output[] = strtolower($s);
The json::echo_json method just encodes, sets the header and prints it (for usage with Prototype)
EDIT: DB Connection method:
function connect()
if ($this->set['sql_connect'])
$this->connection = @mysql_connect( $this->set['sql_host'], $this->set['sql_user'], $this->set['sql_pass'])
OR $this->debug( "Connection Error", mysql_errno() .": ". mysql_error());
$this->db = @mysql_select_db( $this->set['sql_name'], $this->connection)
OR $this->debug( "Database Error", "Cannot Select Database '". $this->set['sql_name'] ."'");
$this->is_connected = TRUE;
return TRUE;
More Updates: Simple PHP script I ran:
echo json_encode( array("Café") ); // ["Caf\u00e9"]
echo json_encode( array("Café") ); // null