




I would like to match paths like /this/is/my/dir/name/anything but not /this/is/my/dir/name/anything/anything2. In other words, I want to match all files and sub directories on the first level under `/this/is/my/dir/name/, but not anything on lower levels.

+6  A: 

You could use the dirname function from File::Basename:

dirname($path) eq '/this/is/my/dir/name' or warn "No match";

UPD: If you prefer to use a regex:

my $dirname = '/this/is/my/dir/name';
$path =~ m|^$dirname/[^/]+/?$| or warn "No match";
eugene y
+1 Thanks, this works, but I would like a regex for this (I'm using this with a bunch of other tests).
David B
@David: regexes are not the best option here -- File::Basename was written to take care of the messy edge cases in filename parsing. There should be no reason why you can't use it in conjunction with other tests.
+2  A: 

The slashes present a problem for the default delimiters, you wind up with the leaning toothpick problem. Luckily, Perl 5 allows you choose your own delimiter if you use the general form: m//. Given that you want to match the whole string instead of just a substring, you will want to use anchors that specify start of string (^) and end of string ($):

if ($dirname =~ m{^/this/is/my/dir/name/anything$}) {

Note: the ^ and $ anchors are affected by the /m modifier (they change to mean start and end of line instead). If you are going to use the /m modifier, you may want to use the \A (start of string) and \Z (end of string or before a newline at the end of the string) or \z (end of string) assertions.

Chas. Owens
+1 thank you, that's useful! I understand that the expression after the `m` can be enclosed by `{}` or `||` or `//`?
David B
@David B: Yes. Can't recall the official description, but [this one explains that too](http://perldoc.perl.org/perlop.html#Gory-details-of-parsing-quoted-constructs).
@David B In Perl 5, you may choose any delimiter but whitespace characters. There are four bracketing delimiter sets: `[]`, `{}`, `()`, and `<>`. In all other cases you one character like this `m#regex#` or `s#regex#string#`. The delimiter `'` is also special. It turns the construct into a non-interpolating version of itself.
Chas. Owens