



Anybody know an online tool to generate Apache mod_rewrite rules?

I'm thinking of simple standard scenarios:

  • Simple redirects (url1=>url2)

  • Removing / adding www.

  • /a/b/c/d to index.php?value1=a&value2=b...

and so on and so on....

I'm asking because most mod_rewrite questions turning up on SO could be answered with a link to that, and help people help themselves (well, help as far as "help" goes with a generator tool that can be used without actually having to learn how things work.)

+1  A: 

Even more such questions could be solved with a link to the manual or a tutorial.

If we provide only a link to a generator, the answer has no educational value, and will result only in more trivial questions asked. I'd recommend reading answers to this question form meta, which contains some relevant discussion.

That said, a quick google search has returned some useful results:

+1 both nice! Re the 2nd paragraph: I doubt the influx of trivial questions can be stopped either way. (I have asked a related question on [Meta]( I'm rather looking for a lazy way to give a useful answer. The manual is too complex for people who know nothing about Apache; your tutorial link looks interesting, though.
@Pekka: There will always be new users who will ask trivial questions, but I think that it's important to teach them to try and learn themselves, so they won't do it again (and become better programmers along the way).