I am curious about Ruby. Up to this point I have been following the whole C/C++/C# path and feel the need to branch out. Are there any references on how to get started and how it differs from other languages?
This try ruby in your browser demo is a little bit on the basic side, but it's good for a nice quick introduction to the language for someone that hasn't used it or read much about it already
Since C# is close to Java, you could probably piggyback on the several "Ruby for Java programmers" articles out there; this JavaWorld article seems pretty good.
I'm also in your boat (Java and C#, starting up with Ruby), and I just started reading the Pickaxe book ("Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide"). That was good enough to get me started with the language. However, I'd been eying Ruby from a distance for a few years, and knew a bit about what to expect; if you're brand new to the language then you might have a harder time with it.
In my view, there's only 4 things that are really different in Ruby compared to Java/C#:
- Blocks/closures (and that's only new to Java; C# has delegates which are the same thing)
- Dynamic/Duck typing
- On-the-fly definition of classes
- "Keywords" are typically methods/functions, and can be redefined for interesting results (especially when defining classes)
The rest was fairly standard Object-Oriented Programming practices, and learning a completely new standard library.
Check out the series at CodeThinked about programming Ruby from a C# perspective. It is a really good series and I recommend it for any C# developer looking to learn Ruby
I like Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby, but you have to like his kind of humor.
Kanook: I would add to your list that classes, integers, nil just about anything are full-fledged objects, which particularly in combination with your mentioned blocks makes for some rather unusual (and arguably clever) constructs like 5.times
or 1.upto(10) do {|x| puts x}
Playing with irb
also helps a great deal with learning by trying out code.
There are many things that were different for me. I came from C/C++ (no C#) and some Java. The blocks was the biggest thing that gave me issues (and to some extent still does). The other big thing for me is something that I haven't really seen mentioned, and perhaps it's because I'm slower than most, but the "#{some_var}" construct. The #{} operator assists variables in translating to strings, but what used to throw me off was the '#' making me think that there were comments strewn about all over the code I was reading.
Also check out: http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/ruby-from-other-languages/
If you like a "learning by doing" approach, you should take a look at Brian Marick's Everyday Scripting with Ruby: For Teams, Testers, and You . It combines well-written reference material with four useful and illustrative projects. (See the table of contents here.)
As a CSharper, I found RailsSpace to be an incredible tutorial. The only assumption is that you know something about web development. The book is a completely hands-on experience and covers all the basics on more. Even better, it has you up and writing code in just a matter of minutes.
Ruby on Rails for Microsoft Developers by Antonio Cangiano might also address your situation very well. I guess it depends on whether you want to learn Rails. I'm pretty sure there's a good intro to Ruby in the book, however.