




Hi everyone,

I've installed rvm following the official guide on rvm. I installed Ruby 1.8.7 with rvm install 1.8.7 and then set it as default with rvm 1.8.7 --default.

Now I tried to install 1.9.2 with rvm install 1.9.2(also tried rvm install 1.9.2-head). Everything goes fine until I get to the "ruby-1.9.2-head - #installing-part.

Then I get a huge error list complaining about my nix(bash) commands.

/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / Manager: line 1760: sed: command not found
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / Manager: line 1762: mv: command not found
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / Manager: line 1762: chmod: command not found
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / Manager: line 1632: cp: command not found
/ Usr / bin / env: bash: The file or directory does not exist
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / utilities: line 233: mkdir: command not found
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / utilities: line 237: date: command not found
/ Usr / bin / env: bash: The file or directory does not exist
/ Usr / bin / env: bash: The file or directory does not exist
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / utilities: line 233: mkdir: command not found
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / utilities: line 237: date: command not found
/ Usr / bin / env: bash: The file or directory does not exist
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / Manager: line 1736: mkdir: command not found
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / Manager: line 1738: ln: command not found
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / Manager: line 1760: sed: command not found
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / Manager: line 1762: mv: command not found
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / Manager: line 1762: chmod: command not found
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / Manager: line 1760: sed: command not found
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / Manager: line 1762: mv: command not found
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / Manager: line 1762: chmod: command not found
/ Usr / bin / env: bash: The file or directory does not exist
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / utilities: line 233: mkdir: command not found
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / utilities: line 237: date: command not found
/ Usr / bin / env: bash: The file or directory does not exist
/ Usr / bin / env: bash: The file or directory does not exist
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / Manager: line 1562: cp: command not found
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / Manager: line 1573: chmod: command not found
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / Manager: line 1562: cp: command not found
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / Manager: line 1573: chmod: command not found
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / Manager: line 1562: cp: command is not
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / Manager: line 1573: chmod: command not found
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / Manager: line 1562: cp: command not found
/ Home / Kevin / .rvm / scripts / Manager: line 1573: chmod: command not found
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / Manager: line 1562: cp: command not found
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / Manager: line 1573: chmod: command not found
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / Manager: line 1562: cp: command not found
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / Manager: line 1573: chmod: command not found
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / Manager: line 1562: cp: command not found
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / Manager: line 1573: chmod: command not found
/ Usr / bin / env: bash: The file or directory does not exist
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / utilities: line 276: mkdir: command not found
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / utilities: line 280: date: command not found
/ Usr / bin / env: bash: The file or directory does not exist
/ Home / kevin / .rvm / scripts / utilities: line 656: cp: command not found
/ Usr / bin / env: bash: The file or directory does not exist

If I then write rvm 1.9.2 --default I get the same error output and my $PATH variable is completely cleared.

Does anyone have any sort of solution on this problem?


To reinstall and start fresh remove rvm, just do rm -rfv ~/.rvm and also rm ~/.rvmrc if it's there.

Maybe this will help you: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3648392/install-rails-3-on-osx-with-rvm/

Pragnesh Vaghela

I have the same problem, it looks like the whole rvm script is broken. The rvm install ree command didn't fail but when running rvm use ree I start getting problems.

The $PATH variable is not empty (like with rvm use 1.9.2), but it miss some important paths like /bin and /usr/bin.

Here is an example console session:

calas@chamonix:~$ ls
Desktop  dev  Documents ...
calas@chamonix:~$ rvm use ree
info: Using /home/calas/.rvm/gems/ree-1.8.7-2010.02
calas@chamonix:~$ ls
Command 'ls' is available in '/bin/ls'
The command could not be located because '/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.
ls: command not found
calas@chamonix:~$ rvm info
Command 'sed' is available in '/bin/sed'
The command could not be located because '/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.
sed: command not found
bash: grep: No such file or directory
bash: mkdir: No such file or directory
bash: grep: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/env: bash: No such file or directory

After running rvm info the $PATH variable is empty.

I remove the whole rvm installation with rvm implode and reinstall but that doesn't work.

I guess the solution is to downgrade or wait for a new release.

The solution is ready in the git source: rvm update --head && rvm reload and problem SOLVED, thanks Wayne!!
