



I'm trying to wean myself from BeautifulSoup, which I love but seems to be (aggressively) unsupported. I'm trying to work with html5lib and lxml, but I can't seem to figure out how to use the "find" and "findall" operators.

By looking at the docs for html5lib, I came up with this for a test program:

import cStringIO

f = cStringIO.StringIO()

import html5lib
from html5lib import treebuilders
from lxml import etree  # why?

parser = html5lib.HTMLParser(tree=treebuilders.getTreeBuilder("lxml"))
etree_document = parser.parse(f)

root = etree_document.getroot()


But this returns None. I noticed that if I do a "etree.tostring(root)" I get all my data back, but all my tags are prefaced by "html" (e.g. <html:table>). But root.find(".//html:tr") throws a KeyError.

Can someone put me back on the right track?




You have to specify the namespace rather than the namespace prefix (html:tr). For more information, see the lxml docs, particularly the section:


It appears that using the "lxml" html5lib TreeBuilder causes html5lib to build the tree in the XHTML namespace -- which makes sense, as lxml is an XML library, and XHTML is how one represents HTML as XML. You can use lxml's qname syntax with the find() method to do something like:


Or you can use lxml's full XPath functions to do something like:

root.xpath('.//html:tr', namespaces={'html': ''})

The lxml documentation has more information on how it uses XML namespaces.

+1  A: 

In general, use lxml.html for HTML. Then you don't need to worry about generating your own parser & worrying about namespaces.

>>> import lxml.html as l
>>> doc = """
...    <html><body>
...    <table>
...      <tr>
...        <td>one</td>
...        <td>1</td>
...      </tr>
...      <tr>
...        <td>two</td>
...        <td>2</td
...      </tr>
...    </table>
...    </body></html>"""
>>> doc = l.document_fromstring(doc)
>>> doc.finall('.//tr')
[<Element tr at ...>, <Element tr at ...>] #doctest: +ELLIPSIS

FYI, lxml.html also allows you to use CSS selectors, which I find is an easier syntax.

>>> doc.cssselect('tr')
[<Element tr at ...>, <Element tr at ...>] #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Tim McNamara
great! Now I just need to find the method in lxml to parse a file (instead of having to read a file into a string) and I'm all set.
Chris Curvey
ah, found the parse-a-file at
Chris Curvey
Am glad to see you've been successful! Actually, it's simpler than that example: `lxml.html.parse` can take a URL, file name or file-like object as its argument. One gotcha though is that the function returns a tree, not the root element. Use `lxml.html.parse(file).get_root()` to get the root node.
Tim McNamara