



Ok I recently took all my code a manually imported it into an eclipse project from BlueJ, I then got use to the settings up "Run Configurations", finally thinking I was home free. Then I ran the code, and I got this error

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main
Exception in thread "main" 

so I figured I had to add a main method (I never had to do this in BlueJ, why?). So I did that just called the constructor method (in BlueJ I would just create a new object and the JFrame would show). So I did that, same error. After trying different things (such as moving the code in the constructor to a different method etc) I just put this in for the main method:

public void main(String[] args)
    System.out.println("Hello, this is main why won't Java find this.");

After that I still got the same error, so I then decided to add it to all my classes to make sure it wasn't using another class as the main class. Still same error, so I come to you wondering if any of you have encountered this problem. Also I did search google and all I found was problems with private classes etc and sense all my classes are public (hey I come from python :) ) I knew that wasn't the problem. Help Please :)

Picture of my Run Configuration

alt text

=========== This is my main method code =========== WARNING: LONG

import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class AppFrame extends JFrame

    public String status = "Status:";// Status of Applet
    public int paint_count = 1;// Number of times applet has been painted
    public int[] mousePos = {-1, -1};// Stores Mouse's Last Clicked X and Y Cordinates
    public int[] boardPos = {-1, -1};//Stores The Board's X and Y Cordinates
    public int[] selectedSquarePos = {-1, -1};

    public int[] boardSquare = {-1, -1};//Stores Last Clicked Square

    public Color P1_Color = Color.GRAY;
    public Color P2_Color = Color.WHITE;
    public Color SquareEven = Color.BLACK;
    public Color SquareOdd = Color.RED;// pieces move on this one

    public int boardHeight = 400;
    public int boardWidth = 400;

    public boolean pieceSelected = false;
    public boolean CheckersPiece = false;

    public Board CheckersBoard = new Board();

    public Image buffer = null;
    public Graphics bg = null;

    public void main(String[] args)
        System.out.println("Hello, this is main why won't Java find this.");
    public AppFrame()

        buffer = createImage(getWidth(), getHeight());
        boardHeight = getHeight() - 40; // 20 pixel border at top and bottom and 20 pixels for blue bar
        boardWidth = getWidth() - 40; // 20 pixel border at left and right
        bg = buffer.getGraphics();

        addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter()
            public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent e)

    public void handleClick(MouseEvent e)
        /* Handles tracking of mouse clicks; DOES NOT HANDLE DISPLAY, it just updates the data and calls redraw */
        mousePos[0] = e.getX();
        mousePos[1] = e.getY();

    public void paint(Graphics g)

    public void render(Graphics g)
        bg.clearRect(0,0, getWidth(), getHeight());

        //Draw Chess Board and Pieces
        renderChessBoard(bg, 20, 20);

        // Display Info
        System.out.println(String.format("Last Mouse Click @ (X:%d Y:%d)", mousePos[0], mousePos[1]) );
        System.out.println("Paint #" + paint_count );
        System.out.println(String.format("Board Square (x:%s, y:%s) %b", boardSquare[0], boardSquare[1], CheckersPiece) );
        System.out.println(CheckersBoard.status );
        paint_count += 1;
        // Draw Image to Screen
        g.drawImage(buffer, 0, 25, null);// so it does not get hidden by the blue close/min/max room


    public boolean isValidSquare(int col, int row)
        if (col > -1 & col < 8) {return true;}
        return false;

    public void renderChessBoard(Graphics g, int x, int y)
        /* Renders board and pieces*/
        // sense the row squares are well squares then the
        // board will be a square also; so we draw it with whatever
        // side is smallest, width or height
        boardPos[0] = x;
        boardPos[1] = y;

        drawBoard(g, x, y, boardWidth, boardHeight);
        boardSquare = getBoardSquare(mousePos[0], mousePos[1]);
        CheckersPiece = isCheckersPiece(boardSquare[0], boardSquare[1]);
        boolean validSquare = isValidSquare(boardSquare[0], boardSquare[1]);
        if (validSquare)
            if (CheckersPiece)
                selectSquare(g, boardSquare[0], boardSquare[1]);
                if (pieceSelected)
                    int selectedCol = selectedSquarePos[0];
                    int selectedRow = selectedSquarePos[1];
                    int toCol = boardSquare[0];
                    int toRow = boardSquare[1];

                    System.out.println(selectedCol + " " + selectedRow + " " + toCol + " " + toRow);
                    if (!CheckersBoard.move(selectedSquarePos, boardSquare)) // not a valid move;
                        pieceSelected = false;   
        parseBoard(CheckersBoard.board, g);

    public void drawBoard(Graphics g, int Bx, int By, int Bw, int Bh)
        int numberRowsDrawed = 0;

        int rH = Bh / 8;
        int rW = Bw; // Row width is the same as the Board's width because the board and the row share the same sides

        while (numberRowsDrawed < 8)

            int rY = (numberRowsDrawed * rH) + By;
            // Row X is the same as the Board X because the board and the row share the same sides
            int rX = Bx;

            Color EVEN = SquareEven;
            Color ODD = SquareOdd;
            // Yes Yes The EVEN Color is now odd and vica versa its because rows only now there row counts and so they start at 0 and don't
            // include the rows above
            if ((numberRowsDrawed % 2) != 0) {EVEN = SquareOdd; ODD = SquareEven;}

            drawRow(g, rX, rY, rW, rH, EVEN, ODD);
            numberRowsDrawed +=1;



    public void drawRow(Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height, Color EVEN, Color ODD)
        System.out.println("Board Y: " + y);
        int squareW = width / 8;
        int squareH = height;
        int numberSquaresCreated = 0;
        while (numberSquaresCreated < 8)
            // needs a special case because Java's modulo uses division (so it would give a divide by 0 error) STUPID JAVA!!!!!!
            if (numberSquaresCreated == 0)
                g.fillRect(x, y, squareW, squareH);
                if (numberSquaresCreated % 2 == 0){g.setColor(EVEN);}
                else {g.setColor(ODD);}
                int sX = x + (squareW * numberSquaresCreated);
                g.fillRect(sX, y, squareW, squareH);
            numberSquaresCreated +=1;

    public void drawMan(Graphics g, int boardRow, int boardCol, Color pieceColor)
        int x = boardPos[0];
        int y = boardPos[1];
        int pixelPosX = x + ((boardWidth / 8) * boardRow);
        int pixelPosY = y + ((boardHeight / 8) * boardCol);
        g.fillOval(pixelPosX + 13, pixelPosY + 13, (boardWidth / 8) - 26, (boardHeight / 8) - 26);

   public void drawKing(Graphics g, int boardRow, int boardCol, Color pieceColor, Color crownColor)
       drawMan(g, boardRow, boardCol, pieceColor);
       int x = boardPos[0];
       int y = boardPos[1];
       double DsizeFactor = ( (float) boardHeight / 8.0) / 3.75;
       int sizeFactor = (int) DsizeFactor;
       int pixelPosX = x + ((boardWidth / 8) - sizeFactor) / 2 + ((boardWidth / 8) * boardRow);
       int pixelPosY = y + ((boardHeight / 8) - sizeFactor) / 2 + ((boardHeight / 8) * boardCol);
       int[] xPoints = {pixelPosX, pixelPosX,  pixelPosX + sizeFactor, pixelPosX + sizeFactor, pixelPosX + ((sizeFactor * 3) / 4), pixelPosX + (sizeFactor / 2),  pixelPosX + (sizeFactor / 4) };
       int[] yPoints = {pixelPosY, pixelPosY + sizeFactor, pixelPosY + sizeFactor, pixelPosY,  pixelPosY + (sizeFactor / 2), pixelPosY, pixelPosY + (sizeFactor / 2)};
       g.fillPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, 7);

   public void selectSquare(Graphics g, int bSX, int bSY)
       /*+10 is to offset text (the xy cordinates are the bottom left side of the text NOT top left.*/
       pieceSelected = true;
       int squareX = boardPos[0] + (boardWidth / 8) * bSX;
       int squareY = 10 + boardPos[1] + (boardHeight / 8) * bSY;
       selectedSquarePos[0] = bSX;
       selectedSquarePos[1] = bSY;
       g.drawString("Selected", squareX, squareY);


// Data Handling and Retreiving methods
    public void parseBoard(String[][] Board, Graphics g)
        int row = 0;
        int col = 0;
        for (String[] rowOfPieces : Board)
            for (String piece : rowOfPieces)
                if (piece != "X")
                    Color PIECE_COLOR = P1_Color;
                    if (piece.contains("P2")) {PIECE_COLOR = P2_Color;}

                    if (piece.contains("C"))
                        drawMan(g, col, row, PIECE_COLOR);
                    if (piece.contains("K"))
                        Color Crown_Color = P2_Color;
                        if (PIECE_COLOR != P1_Color) {Crown_Color = P1_Color;}
                        drawKing(g, col, row, PIECE_COLOR, Crown_Color);
            row +=1;
            col = 0;

    public int[] getBoardSquare(int x, int y)
        //row or col  =  boardpos - offset / row height or width
        if ((x < boardPos[0]) | (y < boardPos[1]) | (x > (boardPos[0] + boardWidth)) | (y > (boardPos[1] + boardHeight)) )
            int[] BS = {-1, -1};
            return BS;
        int col = (x - boardPos[0]) / (boardWidth / 8);
        int row = (y - boardPos[1]) / (boardHeight / 8);

        int[] BS = {col, row};
        return BS;

    public boolean isCheckersPiece(int BoardSquareX, int BoardSquareY)
        int Px = BoardSquareX;
        int Py = BoardSquareY;
        if (Px == -1 & Py == -1)
            return false;
        String Square = CheckersBoard.board[Py][Px];
        return Square != "X";

+11  A: 

You forgot static:

public static void main(String[] args)

But in order to really start your application, you should launch it from that method, not merely have it. Here is how to start it:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
       public void run() {
           AppFrame frame = new AppFrame();

It's important to note the EXIT_ON_CLOSE - this will make the JVM exit when you press the X button. Otherwise your application will continue running, and you might even not notice.

Thanks You for your help, it worked
So accept the answer. Good for Bozho, good for you and your acceptance rate. People are less likely to answer your questions if your acceptance rate is low.
@Zimm3r check my update. Your application started, but not quite - you have to do more in order to show the window (frame).
Gosh on one hand I do love unicorns on the other yours does have more +s, argh, you get the check :) Also @duffymo I was going to accept one of them, I just feel guilty both were the correct answer and they answered it so fast, thanks to both of you.
@duffy: answers can only be marked accepted after 15 mins :)
Didn't check the time, BalusC. Just wanted to make sure that the OP didn't forget, especially after stating that "it worked".
+6  A: 

Make main static.

Thanks for your help, gosh now I have to choose which one of you gets the accepted answer
Accept my answer if you love unicorns.
Well I do love unicorns, I have 2 minutes until I can accept, so I will see who gets more upvotes
@Alex merely having the methods `static` won't solve his problem completely. He has to instantiate the frame.
@Bozho My answer addressed his "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main" issue, not his logic.