If you compare how the map looks in MapView and how it looks in Google Maps, you'll notice that in Google Maps the map is "bigger". The texts are bigger, roads wider etc. Can I achieve this in my MapView?
How to get maps in high resolution (and maybe the rest of ur map layout issues) is answered here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3659851/mapview-has-a-bad-resolution-comparing-to-generic-maps/3700507#3700507
2010-09-13 12:26:12
Thanks for your answer but I have a different problem. This is how it looks: http://www.niola.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/device.png (notice the small fonts and narrow roads). This is how it should look: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_16aYP83FzVs/S6uyiX5evtI/AAAAAAAAAB0/CzajmK3-gYM/s1600/buzzlayer2.png.
2010-09-15 10:27:45
Looks like u have a very high screen resolution on ur test device. Can u provide the same san francisco map map from ur device?
2010-09-15 13:04:59
2010-09-16 10:12:50
Ok, tested it with my device. Yes, the level of detail is different between gmaps app and the map view. The map view has more details. I like that more than the gmaps app by the way. I havent seen those differences in Germany yet. Maybe u can set the level of detail in ur app.
2010-09-16 11:33:41
They now introduced the new map style in the nativ gmaps-app in germany as well. Same difference to mapview also. So I think, this question is answered now.
2010-09-21 12:36:04