


  • App will run on Heroku

Dependencies include

  • paperclip
  • haml
  • compass
  • devise
  • aws-s3

Reasons for or against? Any recommendation on another version of ruby?

Update Heroku currently doesn't support 1.9.2 but it's expected to very soon based on this post. Rails 3.0 officially supports 1.9.2 (but not 1.9.1), so I decided to go ahead and use it.

Update Heroku supports 1.9.2 on its beta stack.

+2  A: 

I would say yes, but take a look at this site before you do:

It lists rails 3 compatibility for gems/plugins.

+3  A: 

I'd say yes. By the time you're ready to roll your app (2-3 months?), more and more compatibility issues should be worked out. Also, if you run into any issues, you can submit patches and contribute to faster 1.9.2 compatibilities! ;)

But to answer your questions, given the gems you want to use, 1.9.2 is good. Heroku hasn't rolled out 1.9.2 yet though.

Yeah, it would be a few months, although I would like to run it on Heroku well before then. I see they support 1.9.1 currently, so I'm considering developing on that until they release 1.9.2.
Trevor Hartman

I've heard ruby 1.9.2 is faster than ruby 1.9.1. Your mileage may vary though.

Andrew Grimm
Yeah, I've seen the benchmarks. That's why I'm wanting to use 1.9.2 :)
Trevor Hartman
@Trevor: I haven't. Where are they?
Andrew Grimm
Hrm, seem to remember seeing them in a blog a while back. Google's not helping me out. You could always run your own :)
Trevor Hartman