




After reading a recent MSDN Magazine article about the Task scheduler I was hoping (and actually quite excited) that using it would benefit my use of WCF generated proxies.

I was hoping to get some of the following benefits :

  • 1) Ability to abort a running WCF operation (I'm not expecting this to stop the operation on the server - I'd just like to be able to signal that 'I don't want the result for this task'. This is especially common in UI where someone repeatedly selects items from a grid that trigger service calls.)
  • 2) Ability to start a task at some point other than when it was created - I'm not sure I really need this, I just thought it might be nice to generate a task and not immediately run it. After all I thought that was the whole point of tasks.
  • 3) Bindable properties - so I can bind my WCF UI to IsCompleted and let the Task class abstract away the operation's internals from my UI.
  • 4) Ability to abstract away the running of the operation - mocking, blah blah blah, future refactoring etc.

However - I don't seem to get ANY of these benefits.

  • 1) There is no abort functionality in Task - which strikes me as really odd.
  • 2) The only overload that I could get working with Task.Factory.FromAsync<> is the one shown below. This immediately begins execution of the webservice operation (as seen in Fiddler) and doesn't let me start the call later.
  • 3) Task doesn't implement INotifyPropertyChanged so i can't bind it to the UI.
  • 4) This one is kind of dead in the water given the other 3 benefits aren't happening :-(

Sooo.... Am i just wasting my time trying to get WCF generated proxies working with Tasks -- or am I missing something.

    // WCF client
    var client = new ShoppingCartClient();

    // create task
    var t = Task.Factory.FromAsync<GetOrderDetailsMsgOut>(
                  client.BeginGetOrderDetails(new GetOrderDetailsMsgIn()
                      OrderId = 12345
                  },  null, null)

    , client.EndGetOrderDetails);

    t.ContinueWith(x =>
        var order = x.Result.Order;
        // do something with order