



I am creating a rails app that is meant to be run locally and automate some of my web based tasks.

The reason for rails is that I will import data in, select a number of tasks to be completed, then tell it to start. Ideally i will keep logs of runs and keep track of what tasks were completed during specific runs.

My experience with Selenium is general usage via standalone ruby scripts, and with regards to rails i have used it with rspec as part of a general test suite.

The question I'd like to ask Stack is how should I organize the code in my rails app?

i.e. Should these all be like rake scripts? Should i create some bogus controllers and load those up? Should i simply just build the tasks as regular tests? Is selenium the complete wrong direction and i should use something like (fire)watir? etc

I have not found any information regarding this sort of usage. Thanks a lot!!


Nobody has any input on this? :(


Did you already look into iMacros? I think for general browser automation and web scraping it is the best choice. The most powerful version is not free, but it has a very good API.

The free/open-source iMacros browser addons have a command line interface that might also be sufficient for your project.
