



I just upgraded to using version 4.1 of the Flex SDk and FlashBuilder.

Now, whenever I try to import the fl.motion library, like so

import fl.motion;

I get the following error:

1172: Definition fl.motion.easing could not be found

Has anyone else encountered a similar error?

+1  A: 

The fl package is only available as part of Flash CS3 or higher so you'll need to add them to your FlashBuilder project library path yourself.

If you have Flash CS3 or higher, the fl package swc's and source can be found within the app folder scattered around in Common/Configuration. For fl.motion, try Common/Configuration/ActionScript 3.0/libs/flash.swc (that's where mine were for CS4 on the mac). Other classes such as UI controls are elsewhere.

Some people have also made a swc available containing everything in case you don't have a Flash CS IDE. This post has a swc available.
